Your current age: we will use this age and retirement age of 65 for culculations.
Current RSA holdings: Your pension Retirement Savings Account (RSA) balance.
Basic Salary: Basic Salary you get paid by your current employer.
Interest Rate: Yield %.
Other life time Benefits: Total of current value, if you have any other benefits.
ContributionGainRSA Balance
Your expected monthly Pension payout is MVR 7,533.05
MRPS payouts breakdown
You will receive monthly payments of MVR 7,533.05 for a period of 168 months, followed by monthly payments of MVR 5,000.00 thereafter.MRPSMVR 5,066.09Basic PensionMVR 2,466.95Other PensionMVR 0.00
Estimated balance
RSA BalanceMVR 851,103.66
ContributionMVR 226,800.00GainMVR 624,303.66Current RSAMVR 0.00