Our commitment to corporate social responsibility extends beyond mere ethical practices. It's about fortifying our institution to serve both our people and the society. We aim to achieve this by focusing on four key areas-our people, our society, our environment, and our economy.
Recent Activities
Our People
Our employees are the cornerstone of our success, and we prioritize investing in their growth and development. By enhancing their skills, knowledge, and opportunities for advancement, we not only empower our workforce but also contribute to building a more skilled and productive community.
We encourage our employees to volunteer their time and talents to local community organizations.
Our Society
Pension Office supports events and initiatives aimed at improving well-being of the society.
Our Environment
We are committed to doing our part to protect our planet.
As part of our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, we are actively working towards establishing a paperless office environment.
In line with our commitment to environmental sustainability, we have implemented a eliminate single-use plastics in our office.
Our Economy
Pension Office has a number of other programs and initiatives in place to support the economy and we believe that these programs and initiatives make a positive contribution to the economy and help to create a better future for our community.